InvestNature Investing App/Website

In creating this product, we wanted to serve users who were interested in increasing their financial aptitude. With InvestNature, we created a detailed and streamlined site/app to service users neat for financial information. During the creation of this product, we wanted to make sure that we created a service based system that was applicable to users of all education levels. We chose to provide content in multiple versions to fully educate and grow financial intelligence.

Links to the prototype is here.

Lilly’s Grocery Store App

In creating this product, we were looking to create the Lilly’s Grocery Store app to help with the payment and ordering of items online. We noticed that our competitors had other streamlined apps that made it convenient for customers. We wanted to rival those and and create an app that lets you make mobile payments for our items. The basis of this design and features was to create a simplistic app that covered the blindspots of other grocery store apps. While we wanted the design to be visually appealing, we were fixated on the application and functionality of the app to a higher extent. At the end of the process, we were excited with our findings and out finished product.

Links to the prototype is here.

Pets4You Website

In creating this product, we were looking to create the Pets4You website. Pets4You is a pet adoption website that offers a myriad of different pet options for prospective owners. Pets4You’s goal is to make the adoption process quick and seamless.

Links to the prototype is here.


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